What’s going on with Blocs website?

I haven’t been using Blocs for a while, but with Black Friday deals coming up, I thought I might upgrade from version 4 and get back to redesigning my old websites. However, I couldn’t find an option on the website to purchase an upgrade. Also, half of the contact page is broken, and there’s no way to contact company via email. So whats going on?

That’s probably because today is the launch of Blocs 6 and they update their Blocs Site.

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What’s going on is that version 6 is upon us, today. Anytime now. Anytime. :clock1: :clock1030:

You should see this screen…hold tight ! Today is the day !

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Ok but this is not a good look for new users. I know what blocs is but website update should be rollout faster or there should be more information on what’s going on. Right now it looks dead and there is no option to purchase any product.

Thats because Blocs 6 is coming…? the Blocs 6 is coming message has and will only be on for a matter of hrs.

If a user went on last night and bought 5 and then found out weeks or months later that you/they missed the new blocs by a matter of hrs, then the user would not be happy.

Social media has been showcasing all the up coming changes for a while now - take a look and see what Is coming, you will not regret waiting and in fact you coming to get a new version is in fact at the best time !

Any moment now!

The contact us at the bottom of the page leads you to the knowledge base which talks about upgrades to blocs 6 and then shows a message

If you are still having issues upgrading, you can get in touch with support here.

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