Who is using Threads? 😉

Hello everyone :wave:

I apologize for the previous post, which was not about Blocsapp.

I’m excited to try Threads, a new social media platform that’s perfect for keeping in touch with close friends and family. It’s like Twitter.

We are awaiting Norm and Blocsapp’s responses to the thread. :wink:

Not even, going there, it’s too political to be part of this forum :roll_eyes: It will open the floodgate to the :crazy_face:


First reply :joy::popcorn::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Threads = Meta, Facebook, Zuckerberg. No thanks. Not going to use that :wink:


I’m staying as far away from Meta as I possibly can. Only Twitter and LinkedIn for me.


I am amazed at your responses against :anguished: meta. I am far from politics :face_with_raised_eyebrow: .