Wish to add other CSS rules like fit-content, auto, etc

I could be missing something but if not, it’d be great to have the ability to add CSS rules on margin, widths, and such that are not numeric.

Like, max-width:fit-contet; or margin:auto;

It seems actually possible to do the margin:auto;, the text stays in the input and is also added to the HTML, however I am not sure if this is by accident, since the Class manager doesnt let me type out the auto (but it autosuggested it with I typed in an a)
For the margin however it is not possible to add any text, only numbers seem accepted.

I think this isa often required CSS rule?
It would be cool if this could be added at some point :slight_smile:

Yes the auto margin is almost a hidden feature in Blocs that could perhaps be made more accessible, since many would not be aware this is possible. Something I am waiting to discover is how it will work in practice when Bootstrap 5 introduces RFS RFS · Bootstrap v5.0

In the meantime, you can add specific CSS rules by the code editor or by including an external css.


Yes, thanks!
Did that with an external CSS file, adding a few missing rules to use all over again.

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