Wrong Font Shows in Safari

Can anyone suggest why Safari and Firefox (both mobile and desktop versions) are not showing the font I have set for a menu and menu toggle text. The font I have used is Khand-medium a Google font. Every other browser e.g. Chrome, Brave Browser, Microsoft Edge show the set fonts correctly.

Here’s the URL for the test site:

They look the same to me. I checked in Safari, Brave and Firefox on the Mac desktop. It looks like you have chosen Advent Pro.

I have used Advent Pro for the headers on the pages but I’ve definitely used Khand Medium for the menus. In Safari I get what looks like Times. What happens when you click on the menu toggle?

You are using Easy Burger. Have you set the font there?

I see the same font in all browsers when I click on the menu.


Screenshot 2022-01-17 at 11.48.03


Screenshot 2022-01-17 at 11.48.17

When I check the page with Font Ninja there is no mention of Khand Medium.

Yes that is what I see but Chrome shows correctly:

Not for me. I have Brave, which has the same rendering engine as Chrome and it looks like the others.

This is so weird. I don’t know where it is finding the alternative font, or why it is different on your browsers.

Are you self hosting the font or via CSS from Google?

I’m not self hosting but it might be a good idea to try that.

Google changed the links a while back, so you need the latest version of Blocs then add the fonts again, but self hosting avoids all that.

Is there info on self hosting fonts?


Thanks for that.

Seems to be working now as local fonts. Would you mind checking at your end please.

I am on my mobile but it all looks good in Firefox and Brave.

Thanks again for all your help.

Safari, Vivaldi, MS Edge all look OK.

Thanks. Ive not heard of Vivaldi.