Announcing: the .htaccess booklet for Blocs and Blocs Plus - UPDATED

I’ll look into that. Might have been me trying to get out the correction too fast :frowning:

Excellent @brechtryckaert

As @Flashman said this is a must have for any web designer.

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I sent the update to Kindle through Gumroad and just wanted to see if that had gone through. One oddity I have noticed is that the pages are strangely numbered on Kindle. On Apple Books it clearly lists pages, whereas the Kindle version shows pages with names like “Location 36 of 546” then the next page is “Location 52 of 546”.

None of this seems to affect the content, but I’ve never seen it before, so I thought it was worth mentioning.

Just to be sure, you sent the Kindle-specific version? I’m at work now, will try to simulate this once I get home, as I don’t have my Kindle on me right now.

Yes that was the kindle version and I just added the Kindle email, then sent it. I had the old version there already, so I was curious if this had just overwritten it or appeared as a second version.

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I’ll try to replicate tonight and if necessary regenerate the Kindle version.

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Just bought as my head is boggled by .htaccess and had a very Quick Look! and great work!

Need to work out what will benefit what I am after for certain websites and learn more.

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Since I do not use WP, would this be a benefit to me to use this? Also KnownHost, I noticed has taken care of important cache issues. They also are using LiteSpeed for better Performance.

Another little bit of news:

The .htaccess booklet is now available on Kindle directly via


Actually only about 10 percent of the booklet is dedicated to WordPress specifically, as the largest part of the book is applicable to HTML sites primarily.


Thank you, for replying back with good info.

@brechtryckaert I am just going through some of your super powerful .htaccess tweaks and looking at the options for blocking specific user agents. Based on your experience, are there any particular ones that are a genuine pain and should be included in that list?

Absolutely. Here’s the list of bots I have to block a lot (especially in the last 2 weeks) because of abusive behaviour:


Thank you, that is a curious list. I was aware of Seznam and a couple others but surprised you included applebot, which had seemed fairly innocuous in the past. I was just Googling this subject and managed to find a robots.txt file with a fairly comprehensive list to put on the disallow section. I’m hesitant to add it here though in case in encourages spammers.

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I’m somewhat in a privileged position. As a devops guy at Team.Blue I’m responsible over 1000+ servers in Belgium, The Netherlands, the UK and Ireland and most of southern Europe. This causes me to see those requests at quite a larger scale then just requests to one or several websites.

That’s also why I added applebot to the list, as on that scale I’ve seen it hammer several servers and sites. But it is still a fairly “new” and “up and coming” bot. I do expect the excessiveness of the requests to continue to increase, just as was the case with Amazonbot a couple of months ago.

The reason I prefer a .htaccess block instead of using robots.txt is that a bot/crawler can be prgrammed to ignore the contents of a robots.txt (especially when there is malicious intent or for scraping purposes for example), while a .htaccess block prohibits the request from even reaching the webservice.

Hope that clarifies it a bit :wink:


That’s good to know, I was aware bots could ignore the robot.txt, but I didn’t know / consider using .htaccess, awesome.

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is there a version in German language?

Give me a couple of days. I’ll make it happen. The advantage of being a Belgian and German being one of our native languages :wink:

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I gather that probably includes my server in the UK, so I know who to contact now :joy:

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There is now, see Htaccess Booklet for Blocs and Blocs Plus. Added both :de: and :es: versions.