Any tutorial how to create custom bric


I like to create brics but there is any tutorial can i learn from?

I once created a basic video

You also should have a look at the documentation

When creating a bric you can also choose one of the example brics, an look at their code.

Thanks. Will check it out.

Have you created any brics on the store yet?

Hello @Zixuan, yes under the name, that’s me.

Nice. any other new brics you are planning already?

Yes, I am working actually on a cms system for Blocs. I will also add an extended version of the bric created in the video to the blocs store.

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Nice. looking forward to it

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By the way, the typing text bric is not working in latest Blocs version.

In the latest version @Norm moved the jquery import from the head to the end of the body tag, so all the jquery code must be now in a separated file added to the Ressources tab. Will make a new video in the next days, if I find some time.

Sure. i saw in your video, you created the custom bric.js. Is that where all the functions are stored?

Yes and no. The custom bric.js transfers the information from the settings in the right sidebar to your JS code with the logic. But for simple brics, the logic is directly in the bric.js file.

Here also what is not working any more

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Ah that is helpful.

i was trying to play around your sample by adding the type speed. It works

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Any guidance how to use drop menu in side bar to choose value data to control the bric?

The drop menu hives you the number of the item selected starting counting by 0 (So the first item is number 0) The number is transferred as string. In the bric js you the need to check then if the number is 0,1,2,…