Blocs 4.1 Beta Build 5

Thanks @TrevReav and @PeteSharp! That helped me get there. Slight learning curve with Blocs, but I’m getting the hang of it!

Edit: Just as a side note for others who need to explicitly target the drop down menu links (only), the class you want to target is:

.dropdown-menu > li > a

Cheers again for the help guys!

I have noticed the option to embed assets in the project file is preselected and can’t help feeling that needs some kind of caveat note of explanation. Personally I always disable this.

Screenshot 2021-02-09 at 11.38.57

When changing the font size or line height inside project settings from PX to Rem or Em wouldn’t it make sense to inherit the same choice automatically at each break point, rather than having to switch manually from PX at LG, MD, SM and XS?

I would argue that PX is not best suited as the default option either, but it seems many are happier using PX. That might just be because it is the default.

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I know where I stand with px!
Not sure if the size relationships with all of the others, so without looking it up, I stick with what I know.
Coming from the print/illustration background, pixels are what I can relate to, but I’ll happily look into the other two if (for any reason) they’re better choices.

I come from a background of photography and worked with a lot of printers, however the web is not print. Here is a recent article that explains a few points.

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Cheers @Flashman

When using a mouse to scroll through fonts in project settings I find it very fiddly at times, as it seems to jump back if I simply stop scrolling down for a moment, so I have to start again and this can be repeated various times. This never happens in the side panel when scrolling through fonts using the same mouse, so I don’t think the mouse as such is the problem.

Looking at this again the scrolling action inside project settings seems to be ultra sensitive, which can make it quite jumpy and this is not the case in the side panel when choosing a font.