Blocs 4.4 is here!

Yeah that could work! I just need to select a symbol that would resemble no export.

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Maybe something like these. @Norm :slightly_smiling_face:


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Hi, @Norm. Just ran into an oddity that when searching/adding a bric letters become sticky and duplicate.
Kapture 2021-10-06 at 15.50.16

@Jerry I seem to recall seeing that with a previous version of Blocs. I’ve just tested it here and it’s working fine for me though on intel running Big Sur.

I noticed it this AM on my M1 but thought it was me as it was before :coffee:. This PM I’m noticing the same on my Intel and being fully awake. :grin:

Same keyboard by any chance?

No. M1 Mini is wireless. Intel is my MacBook Pro

Perhaps try generating an app status report and see if it reveals anything. Was this wasn’t present with the last beta?

Oh thats an odd one, try turning off store search in the main prefs and see if it still does that.

Hi @Norm. The issue remains. Funny enough it only happens when starting with an ‘I’ and typing the ‘c’ afterwards. It’s not happening with any other combination of letters.

EDIT: Attached status report.
Blocs Status (3.9 KB)

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Hi @Norm, me again. :grinning: Apologies but I was wrong. Unfortunately the same happens as well when I want to add a heading bric. The combination of ‘h’ and ‘e’ are creating a similar error.

Kapture 2021-10-06 at 20.15.57

Anyone else get this? :point_up_2:

I’m on a MacBook Pro 16 with OSX v11.6 and I’m not getting that.

Not here. MacBook Air 2018 v11.6

2019 iMac - Nope…

Not here either, and I’m running the latest Blocs build on HS.

Seems similar to that occasional issue I get in the Bric Builder fields.

Added support for this in the next beta of Blocs v4.4.1

Screenshot 2021-10-15 at 14.27.06


@Norm Sorry for the late reply (had a lot of work to do), but that’s cool, thanks for that! :slightly_smiling_face: