Blocs for Mac V5.2.0 Beta Build 1 🎉

Here is the first beta of Blocs V5.2.0. Lots of new features and of course many more fixes in this release.

Obviously this is beta one so expect bugs and please share ideas on refinements for the new features, especially the new horizontal scrolling container options.

Happy testing and have a great weekend :beers:

Download Blocs V5.2.0 beta Build 1


That’s the most elaborate way I’ve ever heard someone say, “you can’t delete hosted assets.” :joy:

Great fix though.


Just trying to be helpful and as descriptive as possible :innocent:


To add my first 2 cents to this beta and all the new fancy features I really do believe that when a class has been “locked” it should be visible in the inspector.
Possible solution: to show it in a different color?


Yeah there are still areas that need refining, this is one. Also see if you can find a way to edit a locked class I need to make sure that can’t be done.

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Okay, we got a big BOOM here! :bomb::boom:
When duplicating a DIV inside the horizontal scroll not only Blocs but basically your Mac crashes. The only way to get out of this is the Activity Monitor

Small Potato 2023-10-27 at 21.22.11

I’m not sure if the Blocs Web Content list should be this long in the AM.

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I just tested the first new feature to export a web page as a screenshot to email and this is what I get:

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Did you get the same result with duplicate keyboard shortcut?

Interesting that the image has a scroll bar in the email, does that function?

Also if you use export > image from the main menu is the generated image correct?

No it doesn’t scroll, and if I try, the icon pops up to add markup etc. I can see from the flashing blue cursor on the side of the image that it is full size, just blank below that initial section you saw.

If I export the page as an image it works with the caveat that certain page images are missing for reasons that are not clear.

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@Norm Would we be able to customize the Prev/Next Buttons for the Horizontal Scroll Container in the inspector or do we have to manually edit the classes in the CSS?

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You can do it with classes I’ll add some info on that next week.

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Keyboard shortcuts behave as expected. No crashes.

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On my first export, I had the same and it was the last time as well. I can’t reproduce the glitch for a second time. However, why is the screenshot made from the canvas and not a preview? I don’t see why I have to share my developer’s layout “mess” including all “excluded from export” containers etc. Even in preview mode it still takes a screenshot from the developers’ canvas.

Developers view :scream::

Client view :star_struck::

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That’s a good point.

This bug is working reliably for me.

As @jerry pointed out, the inspector shows no indication the class could be locked, and while I also think his thought on a different color is a good one I don’t think it goes far enough. Since there are already two different shades used for classes in the inspector, one for freehand and another for regular classes (I’ll call them regular just to differentiate) but the regular classes seems to have a grayed-out shade and the freehand classes have a lighter shade.

It feels to me that the darker shade should be the locked classes and the lighter shade should be the regular classes. The freehand class should be represented with a shade/tone somewhere in between, along with an icon for locked classes and freehand. This in my opinion reinforces the concept without dependency on color. Also, when a user clicks on a locked class in the inspector I don’t see the reason why the class editor needs to popup only to tell the user it’s locked. They would still need to click out and go to the manager to unlock. Seems like unnecessary steps. Why not show them the same option when clicking on a locked class in the canvas?

See image below for reference of a possible solution.


There are a few other things I’d like to point out regarding the class management workflow that I find difficult to work with. It seems a bit disjointed and not very intuitive. I mean once you work yourself through the learning curve you might be ok but it can still be a bit frustrating. I’ll write up something around this in more detain in the next day or so, right now - I’m going to bed. :slight_smile:


At least something :smile:

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Great and thanks for the detail here it very helpful.

Considering the previous image I sent, here’s how I see a locked freehand class appearing in the inspector. But of course these are just suggestions based on my interpretation of these use-cases, I’m sure there are other ways to address this. So no offense if it comes across as if I’m calling your baby ugly. :slight_smile:


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