Hey everyone, we are back with the next beta of Blocs for Mac V5.2.5. This release fixes more outstanding bugs with lots more to come.
Have fun testing
Hey everyone, we are back with the next beta of Blocs for Mac V5.2.5. This release fixes more outstanding bugs with lots more to come.
Have fun testing
Love This!!
I now have Blocs 5 installed on two computers and I’ve encountered the “license details” activation popup, though I am pretty sure that should be licence, since license is a verb in British English.
Leaving that point of grammatical conjecture to one side, it’s fine having to activate the licence, however the onerous requirement to fish out the details, and enter them manually every time, makes this task rather more tedious than it need be.
I encountered a similar experience yesterday with another app that manages this more elegantly by leaving the details intact, but allows switching between computers with a simple transfer button click. It’s still only permitted on one machine at a time, but far more streamlined.
When I set up the new silicon Mac a few days ago, I imported all the settings and user data using carbon copy cloner, so it was effectively identical to the old intel computer. I then installed the apps manually, because some have silicon versions.
A little earlier I tried updating a bric from the highly esteemed developer @Jerry and had problems, which you can read about at the link below.
In essence, the bric updates are working fine in 5.2.4, but not in this beta. I suddenly had 14 different brics reporting updates that would not work and this eventually caused a crash. The report was sent in.
This was the uncaught error report:
Exception Name: NSRangeException
Description: *** -[__NSArrayM objectAtIndexedSubscript:]: index 0 beyond bounds for empty array
User Info: (null)
0 CoreFoundation 0x000000018eca72ec __exceptionPreprocess + 176
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x000000018e78e788 objc_exception_throw + 60
2 CoreFoundation 0x000000018ec1d898 -[__NSCFString hasSuffix:] + 0
3 Blocs 0x00000001047ef0d8 Blocs + 2207960
4 Blocs 0x00000001047f0080 Blocs + 2211968
5 Blocs 0x0000000104765864 Blocs + 1644644
6 AppKit 0x00000001926360e8 -[NSApplication(NSResponder) sendAction:to:from:] + 460
7 AppKit 0x0000000192635eec -[NSControl sendAction:to:] + 72
8 AppKit 0x0000000192635e30 __26-[NSCell _sendActionFrom:]_block_invoke + 100
9 AppKit 0x0000000192635d58 -[NSCell _sendActionFrom:] + 204
10 AppKit 0x0000000192635c7c -[NSButtonCell _sendActionFrom:] + 88
11 AppKit 0x0000000192633268 NSControlTrackMouse + 1480
12 AppKit 0x0000000192632c74 -[NSCell trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:] + 144
13 AppKit 0x0000000192632b2c -[NSButtonCell trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:] + 488
14 AppKit 0x0000000192632000 -[NSControl mouseDown:] + 448
15 AppKit 0x0000000192630dcc -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) _handleMouseDownEvent:isDelayedEvent:] + 3472
16 AppKit 0x00000001925bc40c -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) _reallySendEvent:isDelayedEvent:] + 288
17 AppKit 0x00000001925bc118 -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) sendEvent:] + 284
18 Blocs 0x000000010468fcc0 Blocs + 769216
19 AppKit 0x0000000192c84828 -[NSApplication(NSEventRouting) sendEvent:] + 1604
20 Blocs 0x00000001047b83fc Blocs + 1983484
21 AppKit 0x00000001928d289c -[NSApplication _handleEvent:] + 60
22 AppKit 0x00000001924830c0 -[NSApplication run] + 512
23 AppKit 0x000000019245a2e0 NSApplicationMain + 880
24 dyld 0x000000018e7ca0e0 start + 2360
Edit: I tried again now a couple hours later and it is OK in the beta. Seems to have been one of those random events.
If Blocs was installed fresh, but the rest of your Blocs assets merged over, it’s very likely to cause issues, especially with extensions. Various log files are likely to be missing which are stored when a Bric is installed.
You can see from the report you posted the install Bric array is empty, so it’s throwing an error.
That’s kind of strange. Surely it should have carried over everything that was in the application support folder. It brought over all the previous preferences, brics, custom blocs and fonts etc.
I can’t comment on what carbon copy copies over. It’s possible when Blocs is installed fresh on the system for the first time, it creates app prefs which wouldn’t consider what has been installed in a previous installation of Blocs from another Mac moved to a new one.
I think the miss-match is coming from using cloned data with a fresh app install. I’ll see if I can emulate this scenario to make the updater a little more robust and at least manage the miss-match better.
That seems like a viable idea, given the change with Blocs 5 requiring install management allowing only one machine active at a time verse multiple. @Norm, couldn’t you manage it in the same way as the FTP / Server credentials, as those seem just as imperative.
That would help ease the process a bit jumping between multiple Macs for users.
Yesterday I had to set up container tags on every bloc across a 114 page website, meaning each bloc had to be selected manually, then categorised in the side panel, one by one. That was hours of tedious work and there has to be an easier way.