Blocs for Mac V5.2 Beta Build 12

This will likely be the last beta of Blocs V5.2 as the fixes are beginning to mount up now, we will move to Blocs V5.2.1 mid to late next week.

Anyway have fun testing :raised_hands:

Download Blocs V5.2.0 beta Build 12

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The Kaden Template is stunning!

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With Apple releasing its new MLX framework, is there anything there for Blocs to take advantage of @norm?

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Possibly. I’ll get reading up on that.


Hi @Norm ,

Probably it’s too late for v5.2.0, but could you add ‘orderby’ option to the WordPress loops? :pray:t2:

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I posted this in Beta 11 conversation, so re-posting here instead…

Hi Norm:

I was scrolling through the impressive list of new features (and fixes) and I don’t see a “Copy All” option for adding images to the Asset Manager.
We traded e-mails on this a while back, and I was hoping to see it in the 5.2 release.

Just trying to get this back on your radar.


Rich the Weather Guy

Oh no you don’t - I’m just now getting everything to work properly - there’s a ton of us that love our Intels - less churn is a good thing - we need to stay there for a few more years yet :wink:

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Come on, Intel Macs are in the rearview mirror, like jquery :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :clown_face: :smile:

I do still have my 16” intel MacBook Pro, I need it for the holidays, but I suspect I’ve lost more holding it this long :joy:

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I’m not even sure how your Mac is displaying multiple files with the same name in a single folder? That’s technically impossible :thinking:

Which font folder is this?

Does the actual exported code reflect this in the files contained in the fonts folder?

The inspector is not something developers have control over, it’s controlled and managed by the OS.

My guess is, it’s a cache glitch or a reference to each instance the font file has been accessed on the page?

I’d need to swot up on the safari inspector tool.

It’s intentional, two classes will rarely be hidden in the scroll area of the class token field. Depending on class length, three and upwards is the point tokens may become hidden.

I have seen the same issue with missing fonts with the “!important”, in previous versions, but it was not consistent and hard to report. Additionally, if you did try fixing the issue, it would say that the font was already installed.

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When I add a video to the locally to the Asset Manager and I set to “autoplay”, it works.
Then I set the video as a remote resource to the Asset Manager, then the “autoplay” does not work. You have to click on the video for it to start.

Notes: I am exporting as a WP Theme, and the video is in the WP Media.

thats correct, its part of the theme so that resource will not be logged by the WP data base.

Hi @norm,

I got that, I my question was about autoplay. When it’s set as a remote resource, the autoplay does not work.

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Ok I’ll take a look.

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Found and fixed that ready for release.


BTW @Norm ,

Cookie consent v1.0.4 still doesn’t work in an Wordpress theme

Just got a crash adding a class. New project, only 1 bloc, and several Divs and a few classes with minimal to no styling.

Crash report. (10.4 KB)

Also I notice if you use underscore in your class names, and then edit the class name, blocs will strip the underscores and replace with hyphens. I would rather it didn’t do that :laughing:


@PeteSharp it might be related to this headline I just read:

EXCLUSIVE: A leading investor has predicted a global crash with experts warning the world economy is at risk as blocs emerge in a new Cold War.