Blocs v4 - wish list

Thanks for your thoughts on this - yes, its possible the process may create coding errors.
I’m just looking for a way for colleagues to update sites while keeping track of versions.

or simply to ‘re-order’ pages to follow the logical navigation sequence of the site in the browser.


Would be great to have a light mode and dark mode for websites :slightly_smiling_face:


My Wish List for v4:

  1. Easier, more intuitive tools to affect nav elements (text attributes, hover effects, dropdown menus, hamburger icon, mobile menu layout, etc.)
  2. More creative rollover effects for photos/images.
  3. Expanded versions of Hero template blocks and ease of modifying inner brics with various
    text, image and panel animations.
  4. z-index tool in the class settings to easily affect any element.
  5. Ability to expand DOM window horizontally if needed
  6. Ability to organize custom classes by folders we create/name
  7. Easy integration of Social Media Feeds
  8. Easy integration of Google Reviews Feed
  9. Ability to automatically produce a sitemap.xml and robots.txt file
  10. The ability to re-order pages

2 - There is a bric in the store for that (Image Overlay | Blocs Store).
7 - There is a bric on the store for this (Follow Links | Blocs Store)
9 - Blocs already generates a site map for you, but I’m sure I could get robot.txt file to generate too.


@Norm, that would be great thanks! As far as Social Media Feeds, it’s different than simple follow icons. I"m talking about a dynamic feed. It updates automatically to show most current post. (From Facebook, Instagram, etc) I used the HTML widget to accomplish this. It would be faster and easier if this was do-able natively within Blocs.

Here’s an example from my website showing a Facebook feed. It would be necessary to be able to adjust the size, height, width, alignment of these feeds to fit as desired at different breakpoints.


After thinking long and hard, here is my wish list for Blocs 4:

  1. Auto complete for websites
  2. Auto complete for client emails
  3. A feature that viciously electrocutes PR companies, SEO specialists and time wasters
  4. A donation button to the Flashman fund

I am pretty happy with Blocs 3 otherwise.


Integration of unsplash would be nice!

@Horman See my post above with the relevant article Blocs v4 - wish list - #29 by Flashman


I fixed that for you @Flashman :laughing: :laughing:


I second this! A workaround is just using a gif image but that gives no control. It would be great to have control over the timing, spacing, colors, etc of an animated progress bar or counter.

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I would like FlexBox layouts. Aligning things with Blocks, inline blocks, etc. is doable but a pain.

Hi @Norm

Happy with the way Blocs is evolving and once more thanks for a great job being done here.

I only have one simple wish which has to do with icons.

Indeed, I wish we could import our own icon sets into the Icon Font Manager and use them in conjunction with the existing brics and perhaps future brics.

I believe there would be a strong demand for this as per the many posts read with such a wish.




Hopefully Blocs can be more functional for designers. Like MUSE was. I know, I know… MUSE this, MUSE that… but It was done with so many cool features made for designers, it was like using PS or Ai or InDesign but to make websites. I love Blocs, I really think Blocs is super! but you know… you know… it just could be nice… just saying… :sweat_smile:


Being able to duplicate custom classes would be great. Often I need to make colour variations of classes.

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Hi @PeteSharp. I think you can already duplicate custom classes. Just go to Class Manager and right click on a custom class you want to duplicate.


Yeah you’re correct :+1:

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Diferent image bacckgdrouns for. breakpoints.

Oh thanks @Eldar I had never noticed that, that’s great. :grin:

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I would really like to see better speed optimization improvements, namely:

  • Connection to an API like Imagify for image compression before uploading/exporting
  • Support for WebP images for browsers that support it, and default to PNG/JPG for those that don’t
  • Automatically resizing all images for serving scaled images for every device size
  • Option to combine CSS/JS into one file