Custom Bric Attachment Improvements

There has been a long standing issue regarding custom Brics and their page / project attachments. If you use or develop custom Brics then the following may sound familiar.

  • Duplicate custom Bric attachments.
  • Missing custom Bric Attachments.
  • Custom Brics that don’t function on some pages.

Over the years, these issues have come and gone, as we have issued fixes and patches. However, more recently these issues have reared their ugly head again.

The Cause

After a detailed investigation into the issues, various causes have come to light. At some point MacOS has adjusted how it is parsing the modified data (last modification date of an asset) that we store in these attachments in the Blocs project file. This has caused a range of issues, most notably the duplication of custom Bric attachments, which you may have encountered.

Some minor changes to the WKWebKit engine, which Blocs uses for the Design Canvas has also had contributing factors when custom Brics are moved around between Blocs and page areas, leading to missing custom Bric attachments and duplicates.

The Solution

As well as fixing the underlying issues and making this functionality more robust, we have reviewed the relationship between custom Brics and their respective page / project attachments and made some visual and functional improvements, which we hope will help to lower confusion and frustration in this area.

Page And Project Settings Improvements

Page and Project attachments are accessed via their respective setting windows. As of Blocs V5.1.4, attachment items now have visual indicators that help users identify if they are related to a specific custom Bric.

Custom Bric User Interface

If a custom Bric uses page or project attachments, as of Blocs V5.1.4, you will see a small section at the top of a custom Brics user interface that will list how many attachments the Bric is using and in which location they can be found (page or project settings). There is also a button for quick access to view these attachments.

If a custom Bric that uses attachments has missing attachments, this interface will adapt to inform a user of the problem, when the Bric is selected. This warning also includes a one-click fix button to re-implement the missing attachments for the Bric.

We still have various improvements to implement in the area, but if you develop custom Brics please take this new version for a spin and make sure everything is working correctly.

With these fixes and improvements, hopefully many will find custom Bric attachments, less frustrating.


I had a quick test this morning. The fix button worked :partying_face:.

This goes a long way in helping resolve a long standing issue. Wished this was there when I released the latest version of Any Video :joy:


Hi Norm:

This sounds like a great improvement, but I have a concern.
Many of the Brics I use, I purchased from Whitfield Holmes, who we all know, has not been on this forum for many months now.
I use his “Tab Anything Pro” bric on many pages for example.
If this change requires some work on Mr. Holmes brics, I am not clear anyone is around to perform the necessary code changes? Will this addition to Blocs require a need for Bric modifications from the developers?
As I begin to re-program my site, I am trying to avoid using his many great brics for this very reason, but TAP is very hard to NOT use.

I will be interested to hear what you think Norm.

Has anyone heard anything from Whitfield?

Rich the Weather Guy

No changes in the brics were required.

Thanks Pete…we are POSITIVE on that? These changes will not affect the functionality of any of the Brics?
Would be great if that was the case…still…concerned about purchased Brics and the situation with Mr. Holmes.
Nothing anyone can do about that…


Rich the Weather Guy

There are no changes to the bric whatsoever.

I reached out to Whitfield the other day via his Blochead site. No reply as of yet. I’m not 100% sure he is the sole proprietor or he has partners but Swiffy is still for sale and it is stil version 1.2.
If he gets back to me I will let you all know.

Swiffy slider is an open source javascript library.

“Swiffy Carousel” is the name of his Bric.

Based on a quick LinkedIn search, it appears Whitfield works for a company called Casetext. It’s a legal research company ( ) that has incorporated AI into their process.

I know. His bric is using that library. :grin:

Everything mentioned above requires zero changes from 3rd party devs, so these features won’t effect the functionality of Brics, in fact, you could argue this improves stability of Brics.

However, other changes in Blocs can always have an impact on custom Brics, with this in mind, all developers should be actively engaged in the Blocs betas and our community. Hopefully someone gets word from @Whittfield, as I’m sure many would agree he is missed.


Thanks PK…msgs to him on this forum go unanswered, so my concern is not only for our “Bric” questions, he is a very nice fellow, and I hope he is well, just engaged somewhere else.

Rich the Weather Guy

That site looks “Blocs made”…

Rich the Weather Guy

Yes, he is definitely missed.

Rich the Weather Guy

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Whitfield is back! Catching up, but back.

Just noticed that! Great news!

Rich the Weather Guy