Easy Burger - Custom Bric

Hey everyone, I recently just rolled out a new Custom Bric.

Easy Burger Custom Bric

Give the Burger some love on sidebar and fullscreen menus. Made for Blocs 4, Easy Burger replaces the standard toggle for an easy to style Font Awesome icon.


  • Font Awesome icons

  • Icons Size

  • Normal and hover state colours

  • Transition between states

  • Background colours

  • Drop shadow

  • Background padding and radius

  • Close icon colour and thickness

  • Offset the Sidebar navigation menu

Additional Feature to come

  • Add 'Menu" or custom text next to the Icon (free future update)

Blocs Store

Download from Gumroad

Blocs Builder Website


Thanks @Jerry

Yeah, for some pointless fun… add fa-spin at the end of the custom FA class.


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When an amazing bric - this could end up being one of the biggest selling brics!

Many of us have been after this for a long long time.

Nice I can make the X thicker too, nice touch.


Got it, using it soon!
Thanks, just what I’ve been looking for.


Fantastic bric!! Bought it straight away!!


Are you planning to release a vegan version? :grinning:

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:joy: :joy:

Could comment here, but it could offend someone :innocent:


This must be the most requested solution out there for Blocs, vegan or otherwise. NB No animals were harmed during the making of this bric…


Gluten-free bun?

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Just purchased! :slight_smile:


After watching the video, I immediately purchased Easy Burger. This I believe will be the #1 selling add-on for Blocs. Since the conception of Blocs, I seen post after post regarding the toggle menu.
Brilliant work Pete! Thank you for meeting our needs, wants and desires. :smile:


Well, real burgers may have been consumed for research purposes. :thinking:


How do you apply Easy Burger to an existing Blocs project?
When I follow your instructions, the Nav Toggle doesn’t do anything. I’m sure its me.
Is there something I’m missing connecting the existing to Easy Burger’s control?

SOLD!!! Been waiting for something like this for so long!

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Awesome!.. I just bought!.. I’ve been wanting this for a while. Thank you! I noticed that the icon doesn’t change on the blocs building page, but only when I preview, any idea as to why that maybe? I’m on Blocs 4.04+

Normal view: image

Preview: image

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Never mind. I just read the instructions below: " Note: Your changes to the burger will only show on preview and export."

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Blocs doesn’t allow code to run on the canvas… which is actually a good thing. So it’s unable to modify the HTML until previewed.

@PeteSharp - Thanks… I learn something new everyday. Cheers!.. awesome bric.

Thanks @brizwela, appreciate your support. Enjoy.

Although I am vegan, I will take a risk because he is a great Bric and this opportunity should not be missed. :wink:
Thanks for a great job and for your help to the Blocs community.

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