FTP / Help

I have subdomains and add-on domains.

You know I just thought of something, pdqlitho.com is not currently hosted on Hostgator. Could that be the problem??

VOILA… there you go… the changes that you are doing are not in the pdqlitho.com but in the builditco.
Talk with who have the pdqitho host and ask them to create a folder: “preview” and ask them to give give you an FTP access to that folder and then you can create the folders client1, 2, etc and then just go to www.pdqitho.com/preview/client1 and that works.

For now delete the subdomain, but be careful to not delete the public_html folder.
Then in the public_html delete the preview.pdqitho.com folder but once again be careful to not delete the public_html folder.

I am so sorry for not remembering that before! I got so wrapped up in this and then it suddenly dawned on me that that domain isn’t even hosted under hostgator! I’m so sorry to keep you at this for so long. You have been so helpful and I really learned a lot.

I’ll continue to work on this on Monday after my brain has had a chance to recover.

Please accept my apologies! Such a newbie at this stuff.


No problem, I don’t mind to help.
If you need more help let us know.