Google Fonts on website?

how can I check if the page use google fonts ? Is it possible that I found google fonts in the code but they are not loaded ? How to check !?
tom :slight_smile:

Use and if you see on «Content Breakdown» and you have google fonts.

Just open any modern browser and open the developer console -> network or sources.

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Hi, thanks @yellow and @Jannis

But when I open sources and go on fonts? How do I know If this is local or a google font ? Is there a way to see this ?

Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-09 um 13.00.32

Which browser are you using?

safari version 13.0.5

maybe this link

Google Fonts

I think there is a shortcut solution to this. In font preferences have it like this, so Google fonts are removed:

Just to be really sure make sure Google fonts are not enabled under project font settings. This last step alone should be enough.

Screenshot 2021-01-09 at 19.28.51

Yes, inside blocsapp no problem. But when I want to check a site wich is already online (not made in blocsapp).
