I'm just stressed every time

This is 4.3b2


When using the Beta versions you can report bugs here…


For what it’s worth, regardless of Blocs being Beta or the actual release version, I have seen both problems for a long time, and I’ve never been able to figure out a clear set of reproducible steps. It seems to occur at random:

  1. Sometimes the bloc you are working on doesn’t appear in the Left Sidebar. Restart Blocs fixes it each time it happens, but it will happen again at some point.

  2. The Left sidebar page previews don’t always show the actual page content for some reason, on certain pages.

It’s easy to file a bug report when you can recreate the bug. But when you cannot recreate it, if you report it, it often cannot be fixed because Norm cannot recreate it. That has happened in the past when I reported something to Norm that I couldn’t reproduce easily.

I would be surprised if only @sifrec and myself are the only 2 Blocs users on this planet who have seen either or both of these issues. The missing Bloc (or Column or Row) bug has been around A LONG TIME.

Then again, I am still using the best version of MacOS ever released — High Sierra (currently unsupported by Blocs 4), so perhaps that has something to do with it. That is, unless @sifrec is using a newer version of MacOS, in which case would prove MacOS has NOTHING to do with it.

Yep, I’ve also had this intermittently, but seemed to fix itself somehow, so you’re not alone.
Haven’t had it for a good while now though.


I don’t think MacOS has anything todo with the layer tree issues.

The biggest problem with the tree is the fact it’s not a true representation of the page, it’s a simplified structure, most other web design tools force the users to deal with the entire structure, with Blocs we have tried to keep it simple and hide a lot of the complexity of the html structure. However, this is why sometimes you can create layouts that cause the tree to not understand the layout, we are regularly teaching the tree to understand more structures so the issue is becoming less regular, but the new table Bric (container API) will introduce many new issues as it’s a new learning process for the tree to understand.

We will continue to focus on improving in this area.


That’s a very good explanation Norman - and understandable for laymen (substitute ‘stupid’) like me!

Blocs 4.3 beta 3 has a range of improvements regarding the layer tree and the new container API for custom Brics (which the table Bric uses).

Im hoping to have the next beta out of friday, hopefully you will find less issues with that version.



Blocsのバグと不具合をよく知っています。左サイドバーが特にバグが多いです。問題はBlocsよりも使いやすい及び簡単に「レスポンシブ」のウェブサイトを作成出来るソフト(Mac版)はあまりないですね。 私にできる最善は、見つけたバグを@Normへ報告して、直るまでに待つしかないです。

App, app preview also displays normally, site does not display normally, what is this, too terrible.

Such a display came out suddenly, it is displayed in any versions including the V4.22.

私はまだBlocs4.1.1を使っています。Blocsの4.2版でBootstrap5 (BS5)に切り替えると、jQueryがなくなりますね。問題は、BS5に切り替えた後に、ファイルを保存したら、BS4に戻る事ができません。

恐らく、@sifrecさんのjplayerの問題がBlocs 4.2版を使い始めてから発生しましたかな?




Blocs 4.3がまだ出てないです。ベタ版ですね。但し、上記の言葉が正しいであれば、「Player」と言うBricがBlocs4.2版との対応があるはずです。

— — — — — —

@Lucas Is your “Player” bric fully compatible with Blocs 4.2.2? If so, is it being tested against soon-to-be-released versions of Blocs? And is there any incompatibility with BootStrap5, such that you can explain the “Missing Assets” dialog shown in the screenshot posted by @sifrec?





— — — — — —

It appears that @sifrec is using V12 of your Player Bric, just to let you know. Any help and advice you can kindly share would certainly be helpful to him. Thanks.



Sure I’ll take a look asap and let you know.

@sifrec You can delete the multiple entries in your page attachments too. You’re loading multiple instances of jplayer.custom.js, player.playlist.min.js.

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