I'm just stressed every time

I’ll look into why that’s happening.

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I could not reproduce an error here using Blocs 4.2.2 and Bootstrap 5 in a quick test. Is there a way to reproduce the issue, would be nice so I could spot the bug and try a fix.

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I don’t know why this happened, can these be removed on the bloc app?

Delete “Blocs appli” once, delete all the files in “apsup, pref, WebKit, com.apple.LSSharedFileList.ApplicationRecentDocuments” of “user folder”, reinstall “blocs4.22” and install “Player v12” When I reinstalled and opened the 4.3b2 project file, the following alert was displayed, so I deleted all of them. As a result, even though the link information of the audio file and video file was specified normally. Everything stopped working, but everything else stayed the same as before, “Blocs Appli” keeps the previous version of the program data without installing a new version of the previous version of the program data each time. Is it a type of application that is added and updated as it is? Is it necessary to reinstall V4.0 in order to use V4.22?

Regarding the layer tree issues with the table custom Bric, let me know if the new beta version of Blocs 4.3 renders the table sections correctly in the layer tree.

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Perfect, thank you, ↑, please answer the above.

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Could you please send me a copy of your project.

I sent it now.

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Thanks I’ll check over the other stuff.

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