Important Announcement for Third Party Developers šŸ“¢

We have made some important changes to the Blocs Store in order to help Blocs users identify the third party developers who are most active and trusted in the community.

From today the following will take effect.

ā€¢ If a developer has logged into the Blocs Store within the last month, their products will display a ā€œTrusted Sellerā€ badge.

ā€¢ Product pages now also display the product developers last seen information in order to help keep customers informed as to how active a developer is on the store.

ā€¢ If a third party developer fails to log into the Blocs Store within 3 months, then the buy buttons will be disabled on all of their products and the following notice will be displayed in their place. (Free product download buttons will remain active).

Iā€™m sure everyone will agree these are positive steps in order to help protect customers.

So if you login to the Blocs Store today, which Iā€™m sure most of you do weekly anyway, youā€™ll get your Trusted Seller badge.

We will also be looking to add additional perks for trusted sellers, such as priority in search results and various other advantages to being an active developer in the Blocs community.


Hey @Norm @Helen - this is GREAT news and much needed. I have brought this up a few times and also people are still buying brics with issues.

Great work!


Excellent idea :grin:

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No - We donā€™t log into the Blocs store on a weekly basis - Note: It usually takes 6+ months to get a new bric ready for release & then we will visit the blocs store to update things.

The way to handle ā€˜absentā€™ devs ie. no sell / support of old brics is to directly contact the dev by email or other direct lines of communication and if they donā€™t reply after waiting a few weeks, then pull the product. Donā€™t punish all the other devs for the few flaky ones.

I agree, I doubt anyone is logging in every week, unless they keep re adding old stuff :joy:

But I donā€™t think Norm should be manually auditing it either.

This builds trust with the users, who are spending their valuable cash on our products. Itā€™s part of providing a service really. I think the terms are very acceptable.

If it were possible maybe our activity on the forum should be included, itā€™s all about building a healthy community, which is good for business.


Well times are changing, you want to sell products to Blocs users, you need to check in to the place they discover you once every 3 months.

It takes seconds and if you are replying to comments and updating your products regularly then there are no problems here.

We donā€™t have time to chase developers up.


@Norm - oh by the way the commenting system in blocs store is totally borked.

Good point, but tricky. But I do think linking store fronts to forum accounts is a good idea. like we have socials links.


@Bill well, I will improve it, you have a dashboard that shows most recent comments which is a big step forward.

But Iā€™ll look into the other problems relating to comments, just let me know what they are.

I know a few developers now offer products in multiple categories, so I have added categories to seller store fronts today as well. Still a few things to fix with it, but itā€™s almost there and makes it easier for customers to browse your products.


I know there is a search box, but on mobile there is no category filter. I think itā€™s a little difficult to navigate on mobile. Although I do not have the stats on what percentage are using mobile on the store.

Anyone with kids and acting as a part time taxi service, no doubt use their phones a lot :joy:

Thats sorted now.


Thanks. That was quick :grin:

Good idea! Personally I may not log-in every month, depending on my schedule and other projects, but thatā€™s still a step forward.


I like that.

As @Norm said. It costs only 10 seconds.

Advice: set a recurring reminder in iPhone, task done :ballot_box_with_check:


Youā€™re then the ā€œtrusted developer on steroidsā€ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Great news Norm.
Well done, and fairā€¦

Rich the Weather Guy

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Bow before me :man_bowing:


TIP: Donā€™t leave the forum tab logged in, in the background.

Just make it the default page on your browser, every time you open a new browser window or tab :wink:


Great idea! This will boost your websiteā€™s engagement. Hereā€™s a breakdown of the changes I suggest:

  • Switch updates from weekly to monthly.
  • Enhance Product Descriptions: Add text modification tools to make product descriptions more dynamic.
  • Related Products: Improve recommendation accuracy by refining the product tag algorithm.

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