Introducing Solis

Just sounds like it…:slight_smile: if you go to his site the first album has very similar …may Eldar has a link…


The link to One Million by Utah :wink:


just found this, and his playing is magical, and similar: Search Videos

aha!! I guess you are referring to the other video! I saw @Norm mentioning One Million, and I thought you are asking about the song in the video on Solis homepage.

YIKES…my mistake, I meant the music on the BLOC website:

Though I’m super happy to have found LUDOVICO EINAUDI, thanks!

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Sorry Norm, my mistake, I meant the music on the Blocs intro vidoe:

Though I’m super happy to have found LUDOVICO EINAUDI, thanks HMM!

yes, my bad…but I think i found the composer using Shazam: alexander von schlippenbach?

have to show my setup :wink:


This looks Awesome!!

It would be useful if we can add an iPad mini option in Solis. If a design fits neatly in there, chances are it will be fine with the bigger tablets.

Just add one, you can add custom screen sizes and store them.

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Really awesome App :slight_smile: I love it


No doubt this is something that will come later, but when we do add a custom workspace, it would be good if we could select where it appears in the list.

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Good idea!

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@Norm Wouldn’t it make sense for all devices to appear in the viewport manager? Ideally we could then change their positions to establish the desired order of devices, just like can do with the menu manager in Blocs.

It would be good if device names could also be easily renamed inside the viewport manager. In this example I feel like I want to click on iPad Mini 1024x768 and rename it as iPad Mini Portrait.


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