macOS Sonoma support?

How long have you been running Sonoma @Eldar? What are your impression so far? Apart from the bugs :joy:

I haven’t sold my surplus MacBook Pro yet. Maybe I should test it out with it.

About a month. I don’t use a lot of 3rd party apps, and the ones I use (Pixelmator Pro, Affinity Designer, Transmit, Things 3, etc) are all working perfectly fine. If it wasn’t for Blocs, I would have used it until the official release without a problem.

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That’s the down side right. When a new OS comes out I always end up updating on launch day (usually directly after telling myself to wait a week or two), but it’s a quick run through the vital apps first for potential issues.

I’ve been running ios17 on my iPhone and iPad since the betas came out. Way less risky :joy:

I can’t confirm.
I’m on Sonoma RC and tried using colors in classes and elsewhere in a new project with no issues.
The only thing I noticed is scrolling with the mouse on the canvas does not work smooth.


Strange, not sure what the requirements are to repro it.

I tested it on Blocs 5.1.2 and 5.1.3-b1 with new and existing projects.
No crashes.

Im hoping to have Blocs 5.1.3 beta 2 out tomorrow with some more fixes including some for Sonoma.


Hey @Brocky120 & @Eldar, when you get the crash is it when the colour popup opens, or when there is any type of interaction to the colour control interface?

Also are you on Intel or Apple Silicon.

@Bootsie what is your processor type?

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MacMini M2 8 core

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Hey @Norm, yes, when the color popup opens. It actually not opens at all, just crash.

M1 Pro MacBook Pro

What am I doing wrong :sweat_smile:

As soon as you open to change colour, it crashes immediately.

Apple Silicon on RC Sonoma

@Eldar and @Brocky120 I’ve found the cause and got it all fixed up ready for tomorrow. I’ll likely issue a separate build for Sonoma compiled with the xcode beta.


Absolutely, amazing. Thanks :grinning: but that means I don’t have an excuse to update my site now :roll_eyes:

It’s here :point_right: Blocs for Mac 5.1.3 Beta Build 2


The scrolling problem on the canvas persists. But only on Sonoma.
I found out that the issue occurs when you have a background image for a bloc set to parallax.
And also when you have a class with image for background set to sticky.
I hope I’m not the one and lonely one who has this problem and somebody can confirm the issue.

My guess is Apple are blocking background-attachment fixed from accessing graphics processing like they do on iOS.

Does that mean we can’t use parallax and sticky bg images anymore?
I hope I eplained it right.
I’m not talking about previewing the project, it happens while you work on the Blocs canvas.

Im not sure, the parallax Blocs uses right now is done differently in a live site. In app design mode uses the effected version, this may be phased out.

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