Minimalist Blocs Library for Blocs 5

But I should be able to see what I get for my money, right?

I guess you can imagine that Eldar is working on a preview. So just wait, relax, until everything is finished.


@Eldar 's videos earlier in the thread give you a pretty good idea of what you get.


Thanks, Jannis! I do have a preview page here, but it is not 100% perfect yet (as it is very difficult to preview navigations for example, unless I place them on a separate page).


Why not ask if thereā€™s a preview instead of being negative? :sweat_smile:

I have set up a basic preview page HERE, but it is currently only organized by category. (I havenā€™t had the time to create 900 preview pages for each section.)

The Beta version means that itā€™s not yet 100% complete, but it still offers close to 900 pre-designed, optimized, and customizable sections that are incredibly useful. If you find it helpful, feel free to purchase it; if not, thatā€™s okay too.

Regarding the price, I respectfully disagree with your assessment. For the price of $99-$149, you will receive nearly 900 sections now, with over 1000 more coming in the following months. I believe this is an excellent value. When I will finish adding all sections and features I want, I will definitely increase the price to its fair value.


Hope the concert was great! :slight_smile: Letā€™s catch up soon! I wonder how is your life and how is the golf career of your sons! :grin:

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WOW!!! Eldarā€¦this is a game changer for Blocs, for all users and people building a lot of websites for now doing so with speed and with a flawless delivery.


Thanks for kind words! Itā€™s only the beginning :muscle:


Great work, Eldar! I notice you were also using ChatGPT for some of the copywriting. How are you liking it? Iā€™ve only tested it with some other non-Web projects.

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I have been using it to write newsletters, posts, long emails, and so on. I usually have bunch notes with bullet points on the topic I need to cover, and now I can just ask ChatGPT to compose a nice copy for me, and it will usually do it much better than me :joy: and without grammatical mistakes!

Proof :point_down:


It even writes forum posts for you :grin:

Small Potato Ltd 29-03-2023 at 20.04


I think this works in Blocs too, the inline MacGTP app.

Not tried it in the code editor yet.


Thatā€™s cool! @Jerry
By the way, what tool do you use to create GIFs? I have been using Monosnap, but I wonder if there is a better way.

It does. :sunglasses:

Thatā€™s still hit-and-miss. It works randomly in the editor but I never got it working in the code widget.

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Cleanshot. Itā€™s a super handy tool and a $29 well spent.


Best tool :+1:


Iā€™ve been using ChatGPT API for copy and code. Itā€™s great for quick conversions of JQuery to JavaScript. Itā€™s not a replacement for knowing no code though. I find sometimes it calls nonexistent functions or looses context easily.

MacGPT for the win. Inline is a cool feature. Doesnā€™t work in every app though.

I have a project on the go at the moment and all the content has been run through and tweaked by ChatGPT :joy:

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Do you need a fancy button? MacGPT is your buddy:

Small Potato Ltd 29-03-2023 at 20.56


If @Eldar, the BlocsMaster, charged $99 for a quarter of what his spent so much time and effort into this work for us it would be worth every penny. Wait the final releaseā€¦ save your $ or just stay with the way you have been using blocs.


Love to see a tutorial on How to use this! :smile:

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