Mobirise or BLOCS | Which is better for one-page websites?

Sorry, I think you misunderstood.

I’m wondering if you mentioned Blocs in their forum? Talked about the pros and cons of both?

Yeah I check it from time to time, it’s always full of spam.

I haven’t mentioned BlocsApp on their forums I might just do that. I don’t want to be seen as the guy whose “one-sided” with his claims that BlocsApp is better than MobiRise or vice versa.

@norm kindly take a look at the themes designed by eldar and Mobirise dev themes. My number one request for BlocsApp to come out with its own premium themes that have an edge/flare to them.

I disagree that I’ve bashed it at all. Actually quite the opposite. I’m saying it’s not fair to Mobirise to compare to Blocs. It doesn’t aim to be the same thing.

I have tried Mobirise again, people should use what works for them.

My comment wasn’t meant for you. It was for people looking to understand why one company puts out lots of predesigned parts and the other takes a different approach. I have 0 axe to grind about other tools I actually use whatever the client wants.

Sounded like you bashed the product without truly knowing the ins and outs at first but I appreciate your honesty.

Who are you to say if it’s fair or not? Aren’t we talking about the creation of sites? (Rhetorical), well in that case, these apps share similarities in how one creates sites. Granted they look different but they have one common feature and that feature is ready drag n’ drop blocs.

Thank you, thats what I’ve been saying. People should use what works for them.

I feel like if I say “M” word again I’m going cause havoc if I haven’t caused a major one already. By now I’ve probably upset the entire community and I feel bad about it truly I do. Sorry @Norm I’ll stop it now.

After reading everything you wrote, you just need to stay in your lane. It seems you just want to …
It’s as though your work for the company. I’m not going to waste my time anymore. Stay with what make you successful.


I’ll take you up on your advice by staying in my lane. Thanks.