New Asset Manager- What do you want?

Blocs 2.4 is getting closer to release, I’m hoping to get that out early June.

So preparations now begin for Blocs 2.5, this version will mainly focus on a redesigned Asset Manager as the current one is the oldest part of Blocs (over 2 years old).

I want to know what you would like the new asset manager to be capable off. What new features would improve it?

I’ll kick things off with my own wish list:

• searchable assets
• a way to change the layout (tiles or List)
• unsplash api access
• wharehoused asset access with asset manager

All the above.

What does that mean?
Sorry for asking.

It means you can add assets to your project that are hosted. Currently Blocs does this via the image settings, I think it would be good to have access to already hosted images within the asset manager. Naturally you would need an internet connection to access them while designing.

@Norm, ability to add Files such as PDFs and DOCs named as “Assets” hehe :slight_smile: then you can link it to a Button or Text… (Long overdue Requests hehe)


Yes, this is coming with a new interaction to go with it.


Would love to have an indication in the assets panel if there is any asset missing.

And all of the above! :clap:

Hi Norm, that’s a great news!
I will come back with a list later, but for starters ‘Show in Finder’ is super critical for me.


1. Mark assets to be kept and exported even if not used.
When using a HTML widget for a video/lightbox and using an image to click on, those need to be kept and exported.

2. Select and delete all unused assets.
Unless marked as keep.

3. Make your own folder structure.
To keep things organized it would be great to be able to create folders and drag assets in/out/between them.

4. Snappier Drag and drop direct from Asset Manager.
Drag image over an empty bloc, row, column and visually see where it will be put, just to speed workflow even further when adding many images and not having to select each brick/column first.


So just right click, open asset in finder?

Good ideas, thanks.

folder structure gets my vote.

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Hi @Norm

1.) The ability to import any file as an asset (PDF, robots.txt, php scripts, etc.).

2.) The ability to upload assets even if they are not placed anywhere within the project (perhaps a little checkbox - or another tab in the AM for additional resources to be uploaded).

3.) An indication the asset is in use in the project (perhaps a little widget next to the aforementioned checkbox).

4.) Folder hierarchy, or at least the ability to sort by name/creation date/mod date/size/kind.

5.) List View with smaller thumbnails and more info (mod date, size, path, etc.)

6.) “Show in Finder” (as Eldar requested above - this should open a Finder window with the file selected).

7.) A way to refresh all assets (or those in a specified folder) in a single step.

8.) Undo support for accidentally placed graphic (you asked why I wanted a Deselect command in the Edit menu - this is one of the reasons - accidentally placed BG grcs because a block is always selected by default).


I totally agree.
Major feature. A must have.

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Folder structure in the exported img folder? so you can better organise the exports?

In the asset manger itself is my preference, though folders in the export would also be handy to have. Some projects have so many images that being able to organise them in folders within the asset manager would make the searching less painful.


or maybe add support for tags?

Personally I am not a tag person, though I know many think that they are great.

Both in the Asset Manager and the exported folder. :+1:

No tags. Folders.


Folders for organization. I have a lot of images in both my websites, and if I could import them into folders within Asset Manager it would be helpful.

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