New Bric: Cadence (Modal Automation)

Hello Blocs Community!

I’m happy to announce the release of Cadence Modal Automation or simply Cadence.

A unique take on popup automation

Putting your message in front of potential customers at the right time is a crucial component to an effective online marketing strategy. Cadence provides a robust set of rules to help your website marketing efforts. It’s a unique take on popup automation and it’s available exclusively for Blocs 4 and Bootstrap 5 based websites.


Cadence works with the core Bootstrap 5 modals. It also works with Modal Designer.*

Cadence can automatically trigger modals based on a variety of rules

  • Every page load, with delay in secs.
  • Open based on Scroll Position
  • Open based on custom Url Hash or Url Query (write custom links for campaigns.)
  • Once per day, once every 30 days, 15 days, 7 days, with delay.
  • Select number of visits, with delay and customizable count reset.
  • Schedule a specific date, with delay.
  • Auto open multiple modals in sequence, similar to a like a slideshow.
  • All Pages mode where visits include visits to other pages.
  • When the date is reached, repeat the behavior on any number of subsequent visits.
  • Works with Modal Designer
  • Use local storage for most operations. (only First Visit option uses cookie)
  • No dependencies (no jquery)
  • Actively maintained

Cadence is great for…

  • recruiting
  • selling
  • signups
  • reminders
  • email campaigns
  • lead generation
  • downloads
  • and more!

Cadence is ready now. Buy it here.

The Sidebar

modal-select cadence-visitnumber cadence-schedule cadence-open-menu cadence-urlsupport

Usage Notes

  • Cadence is typically placed in a Global area within Blocs. The extension includes a page selector to assign to individual pages.

  • When the bric is added to the page, the UI gives vital feedback about the settings you’ve assigned. The ID, target modal and Cadence type are all visible at a glance. cadence-canvas-start cadence-canvas-active

  • In cases where the modals are only used for specific pages you can place the modal on that page. However, I recommend placing the modals in the footer and the Cadence bric in the header to simplify things and give you access to them globally.

  • Delays can be a good thing! Consider how they should be used for your audience. This is something actionable you can do with those website analytics you’ve been gathering!

  • Remember that your modal must be on the page you are targeting. You can include your modals in global sections for sitewide usage needed.

  • Set different delay times and auto open modals in sequence, like a slideshow.

  • Cadence also works with Modal Designer for Blocs.

  • Try combining Cadence with an email marketing campaign, content marketing strategy or tailor Cadence to your web analytics. Try improving your bounce rate from one or two pages by providing an early incentive to stick around.

Full Documentation

Modal Designer (coming soon)

Modal Designer modals aren’t just great to look at. It’s incredibly fast, it adds additional behaviors for responsive and some other meaningful adjustments. When combined with Cadence, things get really interesting!

Buy Cadence today. Buy it here


That’s is such an impressive Bric. Looks like you thought of just about every feature needed. Excellent work!


I can see you have been busy this past month. Great work!


I am loving this new brick!!! well done. id love to know when the other modal styling is available too as i can see so much application for these.

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Can anyone share a web link?
I would love to see how you are using this new bric.



Thanks Jerry. That explanation is very helpful.


Hey @Whittfield - another amazing bric!!!


Well done @Whittfield, another really nice Bric!

Is it possible to customise a nice modal message in response to pressing the ‘Send’ button once a form is filled out?

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@Whittfield This is a well thought and designed bric. :dizzy:


I used @Pealco modal code and @Whittfield card designer to make this pop up modal automation.

With Candence, I can definitely do more and have more control and customization.


That is a really nice page kwakukwaku.
Thanks for sharing…


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I was just thinking of such functionalities for modals. Well-done @Whittfield !
You say that it needs a Bootstrap 5 website. I made one on BS4 using heavily Tab Anything Pro. Is it safe to upgrade the site to BS5 to be able to add Cadence Bric ? I remember you said time ago it was better to wait an upgrade of Tab Anything but I can’t figure out if the current version 1.6 is BS5 compatible.

@Whittfield slightly struggling to get the modal to show, i followed your video, placed the cadence in the header (global) and the modal bric in the footer (global) linked the two in the interface, and i can see it goes dark where i would expect something to pop up, but it doesn’t? any thoughts? screen recording in zip folder

Screen Recording 2021-11-03 at (4.7 MB)

Hi @Recce43,

No problem, you mistakenly gave the id “home-page-pop-up” to the header of the modal instead of the modal itself. It’s easy to use the sidebar to select the entire modal. You can do in the canvas, but you have to click carefully.

Thanks for the support!

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brilliant, thank you, i knew i must have had it wrong somewhere!!!

love this bric, cannot wait for the modal designer, thatll be the icing on the cake!! great job and thank you

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ok so i have to say, i ran the use of Cadence past the person i run the website for, he was keen to use it, to see how it worked. Ive just uploaded it now and brilliant, looks good, effective, does what i need it too. impressed!! very impressed. thanks @Whittfield

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Thanks for your kind words! This is just the start for Cadence, believe me the journey will a blast!

I wish I could say more. :wink:


If the future is as good as this one. I cannot wait!

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Are there any plans for a bundle of “Cadence” and “Modal Designer”??

Hello @Whittfield

Although it is sometimes I bought Cadence, I make my first try now :grinning:
Unfortunately I can’t make it work.

I tried with a Blocs modal, with a Modal Designer modal and none display at page load (chosen in Cadence parameters).

Note that I have another Blocs modal on a menu link and it works.

Dev website is here.

I do see Cadence and modals in source code but nothing happens. As I’m not a Javascript expert, I can’t target the mistake.

Any idea please ?

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