New Bric: Swiffy Carousel

Hello everyone,

I’m releasing Swiffy Carousel today. Swiffy can be used as an image carousel, a content carousel or both. It’s incredibly light (4kb).

  • Select how many slide are in view.
  • Optionally show images, the content or both.
  • Bric Container provides let you drop in other brics.
  • Lots of touch device options.
  • Autoplay, Auto pause
  • Optional arrows styling and placement.
  • Optional indicators styling and placement.
  • Lots of animation options including fadein, scale, slide up, turn.
  • The file size is extremely light at just 4KB!!

Site: swiffy-carousel
Docs: Swiffy Carousel - Google Docs
Quickbuy: Swiffy Carousel


Your website and your offer is great :heart_eyes:

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The fact that it is only 4KB is very impressive. Well done!


Great Work @Whittfield! This is something that I always wanted in some of my Blocs sites.


That’s an easy purchase. Nice :+1:


Great work! I can see this will be very useful. Love the simple docs.

Purchased! love it.
Is it possible to add the possibility to make the arrows smaller?

I hesitate to add that right now, but you can have a go!

.swiffy-container .slider-nav {width:25px;}

You can add it via the Class Manager in Blocs.


Thanks a lot!

@Whittfield you just keep on dropping gem after gem. :heart_eyes:

Not directly something I need right now, but I’ll keep it in mind. Congratulations on another top notch addition to the ecosystem.

Edit: didn’t need it. Still bought it anyway. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Thank You!

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Hi I have this issue

I need a little more to go on.

Looking awesome, keep creating this amazing tools

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That’s a very good equation. :wink:


Thanks for the support bro!

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Nice catch,

The problem is that it basically requires that I teach how to use it. So I’ve probably got to make a theme to go with it. That’s something I realized after completing the project.


As usual, you come up with the Bric I need when I need it most!
Will purchase today…Nice work Whittfield!

Rich the Weather Guy


A Brilliant Bric ! - loving it.

Whittfield - I have a few questions:

  1. Can we have it so it loops from the last image to the 1st without it having to scroll through all the older images. I would like to do an autoplay to be a seamless loop not a re-wind?

  2. Can I change the colour of the arrows and indicators so it matches my colour theme?

  3. Sometimes when I change the settings when trying things, I loose all the images and have to remove the bric and re-apply it.

Love the bric ! Will be used a LOT! - but need point 1 to be a seamless loop for what I need it for. Thank you !


That’s great!

  1. No, I’m sorry this is not possible. The no loop just stops when it reaches the end.

  2. Not arrows are .svg so it would not be easy to do.

  3. I’ll keep an eye out for this behavior. I haven’t seen it yet, but I’ll definitely check it out.