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I’ll go for CSS grid. Improved preview would also be great but…

There are a few options for site previews in/out of Blocs. However, there is no option to easily use CSS grid in Blocs so why not add it as a new feature to allow some very interesting designs to be more easily made?

If I could see what it does for me in my workflow I probably would go for it.

I already have Solis, not sure why not just keep it standalone.:sweat_smile:
CSS grid would be cool. :sweat_smile:
(And SMTP forms :wink: )

I could see this method becoming far more useful than the way bootstrap has implemented CSSGrid. Thank you!

You’re in for a treat :sunglasses:

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I hope so. The Bootstrap 5.2 CSS Grid seems to be an odd beast and a compromise or perhaps stepping stone to what may be coming.

I think what might work, would be a new div Structure Bloc defined as a Grid (parent) with some (new to Blocs) way to add additional Grid items (or child) containers. Each Grid Item could then have the normal way to add Brics.

The Grid container could have a drop down selection of pre configured templates such as 2 Col 50/50, 2 Col 30/70, 3 Col 25/25/50, etc., as well as an additional way to define your own template. Same for the Rows but with an auto as the default. Most users could select a drop down layout for ease of use.

Then the whole grid could use the same breakpoints for both parent and childs and some way to define up to 4 BP’s. The above col and row would need a way to define each col, row and item gap. One of the best features of a CSS Grid layout is to be able to adjust the BP’s to squeeze the most content into a layout yet still maintain a compact layout.

Then in the Childs settings, a default of auto but an option to select a way to define a custom position in the grid, span and z-index. Flexbox options for positioning Brics in the grid item as well as BG selection, padding, borders, rounding and shadow would complete a powerful system.

CSS Grid is the way to go!!!

I see that CSS grid as almost double votes compare to Solis previewing.

Although I don’t know what other features are in dev for next major update, I’m still missing opening more than one project and copy-paste in between projects.

Well, if that is at all possible. As a web developer, we have always more than one website open or different version of the same website.

An FTP engine would be helpful. That’s upload changes on save.

I should probably have posted this on another thread. Sorry guys.


I agree. A roadmap would be useful. :slight_smile:

There are other apps such as the free

DevTool for all Front-End developers

…and it is open-source too! :tada:

I am sorry, but I don’t agree.

First, you can use the FREE

Second, Flex and CSS Grid are different.
They are essential tools for website building as @webdeersign explains. While you can use the W3Schools, I prefer:

I don’t understand what you mean, Whitfield, when you say, “the true magic is in hand coding” because Flex & CSS-Grid is hand-coding. It allows any kind of design you desire.

Third, if I wanted cut-and-paste, I wouldn’t buy Brics. There are many online apps where you simply take a section, drop it in and “Bob’s your uncle” - a website in 30 minutes!

I don’t want Brics to be “dumbed-down”. I think you may be disparaging “the average user”. Who is the “average user”? It’s a wonderful opportunity to learn how to design a beautiful website.

I am.
Have a nice weekend.

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You will love Blocs on iPad.

Rich the Weather Guy

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Hey CSS grid is better

Apologies for being a contrarian, but for me the absolutely most critical feature would be expanding the views available for responsive design. I realize that Solis is supposed to handle this, but often it remains an awkward way of handling responsive design.

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I’ll be closing this off on Monday (29th), so get your vote in if you haven’t already.

CSS Grid would be nice

Thanks for taking the effort!
To me css grid is new, but if this is the future, let’s head.
It migh concern others as well s me…
Do we than have to recreate our sites?
Can’t imagine there will be a transform tool as this seems to be a total new structure.
Heads up Boss :grinning:

we agree. Css grid does not bring anything more because bootstrap and flexbox complete it I do not see or understand the choice of css grid