Portfolio website made with Blocs

@Norm The curious point is that the preloader causes me no problems on the Blocs app site with Chrome but other sites do.

I’m wondering if it is server quality that causes this? Or maybe iframes, videos etc.

Thank you Norm! :slight_smile:
I don’t need any coding skills when working with Blocs.
Therefore I love the Blocs.

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Thank you very much for your opinion.
I consider it. Thanks.

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Hard to tell but I’ve seen this on various sites now and it’s always with Chrome, but other browsers are not affected. In my case I am using a fairly decent spec VPS with SSD, 5 gigs of Ram and CloudFlare Pro.

I think the green is fine as well, it invokes currency and security.



Just talking aloud here, Blocs site as the example:

My 2 cents:

Probably need a larger pool of people giving feed back, if they experience it first, but…

I actually see it with the Blocs site in Chrome also (75mb connection, SSD HD, Server Grade Ram, etc.,). The odd thing is typically this is referred to as FOUC (Flash Of un-Styled Content). But I am clearly seeing styled content when it flashes on sites.

I wonder if it instead has to do with appending the “page-loading-blocs-notifaction” via JQuery and Chrome has a milli/second delay or something? Even if I close the page and it’s cached and then reopen it from history I see it (75mb connection, etc.,), so that’s rather weird. I wonder if placing the “page-loading-blocs-notifaction” DIV directly in the page source above the "page-container” as part of the source and not append it via JQuery would address it. Then manage it a bit differently, hide the "page-container” via the CSS immediately, then when things are loaded in the .load function display it and then fadeOut, remove() the “page-loading-blocs-notifaction”. Just an idea. It’s a bit weird given some of those conditions though.

Maybe it’s something to do some tests with, you probably would want/need a big pool of testers to see if it actually changes anything before taking the time to change it in Blocs however. I know Google is also big on addressing “render blocking” with CSS and JS, so maybe Chrome handles things differently or more rigidly also.


I wonder if we are talking at cross purposes here. I see a long delay in page opening with Chrome on most sites that use a preloader. Anywhere from 10 seconds to never. This is not just limited to Blocs sites.

If you are simply seeing a flash as the page opens it might be something like faux rendering that comes from Google fonts as the styling is applied. It could be that Chrome is treating these files differently to other browsers. I am on a Mac Pro here with SSD + 32 gigs of Ram and 76mb connection, but I don’t think the computer setup has any major influence on this.

I can’t collaborate that, as I don’t.

Thanks, I think so.


I really like your site…cool!

How did you create the drop down images portion of your site…any pointers you can share?

Thanks in advanced.

@jranly Thank you. I’m glad you liked it.

“Show more” options:
I’m using “Toggle Visibility”.
This function currently available, only the v2.3 beta
Before I created a little demo of Toggle visibility.
Uploaded the source file: http://benhodosi.com/x/

Thanks for making the demo available. Now I understand Toggle Visibility.

One thing I don’t understand in your Toggle Visibility demo, is why there are 2 Target ID’s set in each Go to Button. E.g The Go To 2 button has the target ID’s id1, id2, Go To 3 had id2, id3, etc…

Why are 2 ids required?

Your welcome.
@Norm I appreciate it very much, anybody create some little example files. :slight_smile:
All kinds of functions.

One is hided, one is revealed. You can use unlimited ID-s.

That makes sense. Thanks for the explanation.

@Ben Thank you this was very useful. I’ve had Blocs for a couple of weeks now but not yet had time to dive in and look at some of the real functionality.

There is a developer for Rapidweaver who always creates demo projects that highlight the features of his stacks and I think it would be really helpful if @Norm could create a library of test projects like this that demonstrate different options within Blocs. At that point when you need to learn how something works you just download the demo file.

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@Norm, your thoughts to follow up on my previous post suggestion?

Updated my website. Especially improved mobile visibility.


Left side: previous version
Right side: updated

I am trying to duplicate what you’ve done on your site with the Interaction Toggle Visibility. I was able to set it up where on your site it says “Show More…” and when I click it, it drops down the additional examples, but when I scroll down to the “Show Less…” and click on it the page scrolls up exposing the lower half of my site (if the drop down height is higher then my computer screen).

My question:
When I click on the “Show Less…” button, how do you get the page to scroll back up to the top of the original bloc. Seems to me if I could use the Toggle Visibility along with the Scroll to Target I’d achieve my objective, but you can use only one interaction per selection. Does this make sense? Thanks.

After export, edited manually.
Add the following code for every row which contains “Show less…”: " onclick="scrollToTarget(’#IDxx’)
I hope this will help.