Repository Manager 2.4.1

I’m using Volt and Repository Manager on a small site and I just copied the link to a pdf in RM, and typed a bit of text in a Volt area, to link to it. it all worked fine. I didn’t bother with an icon, just a link in text.

It’s what I do too (although not with Repository Manager) for a restaurant/Take away that I do the website for.

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Following some delay I am just starting that client website using Volt for the first time with repository.

The client knows nothing about websites, but very helpfully has specific ideas that change every five minutes, so I really just want to finish it quickly and move on.

According to her notes, she wants the ability to upload & change PDF files and Word documents that will be placed as links on the home page.

What is the best way to do this? Should I select the option for the Subdirectory Volt Username and then set a separate page for the repository login? I gather this login page will also need a Volt protect bric and links for uploaded contents would then be pasted to the home page. I tried watching a video demo on Youtube, but this part with Volt wasn’t clear.

If she is the only one to log on, you don’t need this. This is only helpful if there are different clients having to access different and only there documents.

Yes, a separate page with the repo bric.

Correct, page protect bric must be placed there if the volt log in user should be used as access user.

Thank you I’ll give it a go now. When I tested this without Volt, I used basic authentication and placed the repository bric on the home page just to see how it worked. From memory I then created a folder on the server called _respository and used that as the root directory. Adding the underscore will keep that at the top near _cms, so it is not deleted in error when updating the site.

The client will be the only one logging in, so in this instance I guess I will create a page in Blocs called something like uploads and then set _respository as the root directory and manually add a folder to the server again with that name.

It’s the first time I am using the protect bric as well, so it’s all new this time. Everything is being developed on a draft domain that will later be added to the client’s website.

This looked like it was complicated until I realised you can just login to Volt normally then go to your chosen page for repository uploads. If you are not logged in through Volt access is forbidden. Simple and effective.

For what I needed I had over complicated it initially by selecting the redirect to login page option, plus thinking I needed a separate login & password to access the repository area.


I have a site where documents have to be available to the public. The number and type of document varies.

So I use Repository Manager, and then have a little bit of php code in a snippet that pulls down the files in a certain directory and makes them available as clickable links.

… I can’t get the code to display properly here!

Cool :sunglasses:

Try 3 backticks ``` before and after the code snippet to add a

Code Block
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OK - here goes

 if ($handle = opendir('/home/xxxxxxx/public_html/xxxxxx/xxx-docs/')) {
    while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
      if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != "error_log") {
        $thelist .= '<li><a href="'.$file.'">'.$file.'</a></li>';
<ul><?php echo $thelist; ?></ul>

xxxx blocks and similar to hide the guilty, you’ll need to sort out your own paths :laughing:



I did think maybe a Bric using something like this code, and allowing sorting, might be a useful addition to Repository Manager

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@Jannis Just loaded Repository manager onto my site. brilliant absolutely brilliant. seems to handle most files well, multiple uploads at the same time. Clearly a file size limit, not sure what that is, but saw something here saying it would be due to the PHP but still dont know what that limit is? any ideas?

i would love to have multiple users, but its not an issue that i don’t.

Brilliant, Thank you!!


Regarding the file upload size:

Regarding multiple users, you’re able to use Volt CMS page protection, see the tutorial:

Brill thanks. I’ll take a look. Sorry one more question

Can i install it on multiple pages pointed at different folders so for example.

2 different webpages in the same project. But one points to documents and the other points to courses?

If so potentially I could have 2 users using that method?

Yes, that’s possible.

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Oh now you’re talking. I’ll try that in the morning. That’s going to change the way I do things!!! Nice

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Brilliant, it works I can add multiple repositories to one blocs project, each with unique login. Fantastic!

Couldn’t figure how to increase php size though. Will need t speak to the server people I think as there is no php.ini file to change and the ‘php configuration’ didn’t seem to do much.

But that’s an issue I can look into

Repository manager!!! awesome bric, thank you!


Glad it’s useful for you :smiley:

Hi @Flashman ,

Just seeing how you and your client is getting on with this?..I am looking in 2022 pushing some ideas of websites with a button or image that links to an external PDF opening on another page and want the client to be able to update and change this themselves.

I believe this is still not updated in Volt yet, but the Repository Manager is the way forward.
So @Jannis I guess if the client has this file name in something like /updates.pdfbrochure for the PDF and my client each time they want to update the PDF they delete the old one and add the new PDF in the same file name - this will work?

As far as I can tell it works very well. To date I’ve only used it on the one client site and she is the sort that wanted a specific functionality at all cost, yet unlikely to ever use it…

That’s a separate issue though and in testing Repository seems to do exactly what we need. Using Volt the client could name the text link to whatever they want on the page and link to whatever asset you wish through Repository. You can delete or edit as required.

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Fab, thanks - just did a test on the demo and it works very well!!!

So a couple of basic questions:

  1. If I wanted to use Repository by itself, so a client just wants to update a PDF every few weeks/months - do I still need to use Volt for login? or does this all come with its own login etc.

  2. If I do combine Volt and Repository - can one login get me into both?

I believe you can use Repository without Volt, but if you choose to use Volt then you can simply login using Volt and go to the page for Repository uploads, so it’s really simple.

Just create a page called uploads or whatever and add the Repository bric, plus Volt protect if using Volt. When using Volt you disable the bric option for authentication and just enter via the normal login page. One tip: I would name the Root directory as _repository with the underscore, so it goes to the top of any FTP files and less likely to be deleted in error.