thank you - good advice. I will have a play with this soon.
Both is possible. Either Volt CMS login, or own login.
Remember it’s currently on Black Friday sale
Repository Manager 1.2.0 was released.
This version contains a very nice update in order to bulk import images into the Blocs project asset manager. When inside a folder, use this function to get a list of all links to the images in that folder, and paste this list into the asset manager. This will automatically import the assets then.
Tested with Blocs 4.5.0b1
Yes, that’s a new feature in 4.5 beta
@Jannis quick question. ive installed repository manager on my site using basic authentication, so i can just login easily (not using the VOLT core brick etc). that works nicely.
How do i logout, ive tried adding the logout bric but that doesn’t do anything as i guess its linked with the Core brick. is there an easy way of logging out with basic authentication?
I’ll double check. There should be a logout link inside the menu.
yes indeed, i missed that, i didnt go through all the icons and was looking for some kind of button like in Volt log out.
many thanks
Thanks @Jerry
@Jannis does Repository manager support drag and drop folders, like it does with individual files? i thought it did but when i was doing it today i keep getting an error saying:
General error occurred: No or broken response
in a pink box, so i have to create the folder by hand and then drop and drag its contents into there. challenging if you’ve got many files and subfolders too
would appreciate your thoughts.
No, just files.
@Jannis, Any updates on Repository Manager showing a preview?
I just checked out the demo, but it’s not showing one.
That’s the next release I will work on
How close are you?
So close. Sooo close
It’s been 40mins now Jannis. Should be done
Done yet?
Rich the Weather Guy
Hi @Jannis ,
It’s been a long time since our conversation, I just started a project with Volt and Repository Manager and I find that it’s still not possible to manage subfolders with Volt.
A folder created with Repository Manager inside the media folder is not visible in the Volt choose image window.
Have you given up on this possibility?
Manage all images for a site and blog in one folder is why I haven’t used Volt & Repo (so, Blocs) in a while.
These two brics already have a lot of potential independently of each other, but better integration between the two would make them a must for any front-end developer using Blocs, and wishing to give their client maximum independence.
It will be possible in a next version of Volt, but not in a short timeframe. Sorry for that.
Sad to hear that, I’ll take my troubles patiently…