"Site search" bric stopped working in Blocs 5x

Didn’t change anything in the settings for site search in the project file, but when after uploading and trying to search with the site search it only shows blank pages, difficult to describe. Anyone else had something similar? So until further information may be available I had to disable all “search” on the website https://www.himmelstrutz.com and https://www.himmelstrutz.se. Or maybe better downgrade back to Blocs 4?

I remember a similar case a while back. Did you update the brick to the latest version? I thought a bugfix was deployed in the last update.

Thanks Jerry, I have enabled the search again now.

I just noticed an update was available, I updated the site serach brics (3 parts) resaved the project, uploaded the updated files via ftp, tried to search and it still does not work. It’s a bit difficult to explain what happens/what doesn’t work… another thing is i don’t remember how I added the site search function in the beginning, I think i followed something on youtube to get it to work.

Yes, it works the first search!" Then try to search again when you reach the first landing page (in this your case FETTO Nord+ FETTO Nord+ . From that path, do another search, for example “FETTO-Maximus” or what you want. Then it tries to load https://www.himmelstrutz.com/fetto-nord/fetto-maximus , in other words it stays on the FETTO-nord page and tries to load fetto-maximus from there, which of course is not possible.

A bug or not in the site search bric, I don’t know, but I had to disable “Clean Page URL’s” in the project settings. After this the site search seems to work again.

Maybe the developer of this Bric want to see this?

“That’s not matching your original post.” My apologies, but what do you mean?

It works perfectly for me with clean page url’s enabled .

Can you link me to a website you have made where you have used the site search bric and have the “Clean Page URL’s” enabled?

Thanks, I will check out that website. Did you use Blocs 4 or 5 for this? Why I ask is this;

  1. I just opened an old project (in Blocs 4.5.4) which has “Clean Page URL’s” enabled. I uploaded the files via FTP, and the search site bric functions works well.

  2. I opened the same file in Blocs 5.14, saved it, and uploaded via ftp and tested again. This time the site search bric functions does not work.

Ok, then i have no idea.

I see lots of errors loading resources. Especially jQuery. Version 1 of the Search bric used jQuery, the new version is pure javascript. If jQuery is not loading, the search won’t work.

CleanShot 2023-12-13 at 07.23.43@2x

Thanks Pete and my apologies if I have no idea what you say there.

The resources that make stuff work, are not always loading… at least for me, it seems that sometimes they do, sometimes there is an error. Everything in red in the images I posted above have not loaded for example.

By the way, I would update Site Search to v2.

What i don’t understand “Everything in red in the images I posted above have not loaded for example.”, those images you show is not an understandable language to me. I run Blocs because no code should be needed. Thanks again and hopefully you can explain for a non programmer…

By some reason when exporting the files, the “site-search.js” get version 1.0 every time, and I use site search 2.0 now (updated today via the Extension Manager)… and when I separately manually upload “site-search.js” 2.0 (which I only can find in /User/Library/Application Support/Blocs 5/brics/Site Search/includes/ the search is OK…

Is it possible the blocs installation(s) are screwed here because i have both Blocs 4 and Blocs 5 installed? It may be best to totally uninstall both Blocs and reinstall?

Please read the thread I posted above about v2.

Thanks a lot guys. Now, thanks to you, the site search bric seems to be functional again!

This is what I read in your link Pete (by Norm):

"These pages, they have 2 versions of the Search Bric site-search.js file in the page attachments.

There was also a fix in this version of Blocs (5.1.4) which fixes this duplication issue, but it won’t repair previous duplicates.

If the search field is in the global header, remove the Bric, then open project settings and look for site-search.js files in project attachments and remove them, you will likely see x2.

Now add the search Bric again.

If the search is not in this area and you have one on each page repeat the above but remove the site-search.js from page settings attachments instead.

It’s also worth noting the JS on these pages for site-search is V1, it should be V2. Take a look here .

In fact I’ve checked and even the home page is using the old Jquery search code."

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Hi, having a similar issue. Have used site search on several projects with no issue, but now it seems to have just stopped working. I have checked and am on the most recent version. 2.0.1. There are no exclude brics anwhere on the site, what am i missing?


Yea, @Norm replied on another thread and I removed the “disallowed” characters from some page descriptions. No extra returns allowed or it breaks it :smiley:

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