Swiper 2.0 Released

I take your point @Stewie_Griffin, but probably best to wait for a response before calling it a “scam”. There may be a good reason why the original version couldn’t be fixed - this is why I posed the question. Hopefully, we’ll find out soon. I’m sure @Lucas will enlighten us regarding this point - so be patient.

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It can be fixed jut by adding a simple code :slight_smile:
This is something else!
Me personally I have stop using his brics for a while now and I have a few but the rest of us need to know what comes with buying from him! I just find it quite offensive the fact he release a new version without fixing the known issues on swiper 1 that’s all!

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Hi @Stewie_Griffin

I think it is important to remember that Swiper was first released in March 2018, more than 2 ½ years ago while we were only using Blocs 2.5.1. The price I paid at that time was only 20 euros to be used on unlimited sites.

It has thus been compatible with more than 23 version releases of Blocs free of any additional charge and the first reported conflict with another bric was only reported on May 5, 2020, while you appear to have only encountered the issue in August, at least reported it that month.

Today, @Lucas not only took the time and effort rewrite the whole Bric to resolve the conflict (not a bug) with Card Designer but even added additional features.

In view of the above, do you still believe this should be totally free of charge ?

For those that were users of Swiper with no issue for more than 2+ years, we even are offered a discount to update to Swiper 2.

I am happy that we have developers creating Brics for Blocs and I do not think that you are treating them fairly.

To be honest I am appalled by your comments and I do hope that we still have people willing to continue to create Brics for our community.



I agree with @MDS

Really hope that there are more users who will create more Brics. I think there are so few up till now.


Is not about it! Its about the fact there haven been complain about compatibility problems with other brics! Just have a look into the links I have share! Im sorry but I don’t share your point of view! A developer need to update their products regularly to be up to date with the newest technology. If you can’t do this then release free brics like everyone else! Imagine if you buy a Mac and all the apps get updated but you can’t use them cause your system doesn’t allow you!

What I don’t like and not see Honest here and this is my point of view is the fact he knew the issue and compromised to fix it!

If you guys find this alright its up to you, for me is not OK!

As I said before, I never do negative comments in the forum, you can go through all my post if you like but I have been following the threats of brics made by him and I just don’t like his way of doing business!

Again that’s my opinion!

@Lucas Do you honestly think it is fair to pay for a problem to be fixed? I understand the hard work that goes in to making brics thats why, as a customer I paid for the bric at the first place. Now here comes a situation, there is a problem with the bric, which was reported in May if I am not mistaken. It took forever to get a response (bad communication with customers) and now after waiting for months, we have to pay in order to upgrade?

Yes, new features on version 2 is perfectly fine if i choose to upgrade, I will not mind paying for it. But to force me to pay for a problem in version 1. Its not fair and you will lose my support.

I am really surprised some bloc members see this situation not a problem.
Yes, i am all for supporting the developers and the community. Such an issue is simply not right!
The FAIR thing to do is have a free upgrade of version 1 resolving the issue.

Have version 2 as a paid option. That is the right thing to do.

Exactly! And this is the point! As a costumer I paid money not so a while ago for something I can’t use and if now I wanna use the “good version” I have to pay again!

Another example for you: Imagine you go to the apple store to buy a Mac. You pay 2700 Euros and when you go home you realized it doesn’t work so you go back to the apple store and they tell you that you will need to buy a new one but hey we are giving you a discount…

Guys, you are complaining because 2 different products from 2 different developers are not working together? Gosh! It’s not @Lucas fault these do not work together.

Welcome to the world of add-ons, where a compatibility is not guaranteed.

Thanks @MDS for his correct words, nothing to add there.


@Jannis you are not getting our complain here. This is not about two products not working!!
Kindly be logical. The complain is the fact that an issue as reported in version 1 but was not resolved. But we are being forced to pay for an upgrade. Its that simple. if he fixed version 1, and had version 2 as a seperate purchase, there would not be a problem here. I honestly do not see how this issue becomes a debate. But hey will leave it as it is. If this is how some developers are going to treat us, I am not supporting any developer that is going to bank on customers issues.

The “issue” was an incompatibility with another product from another developer. That’s not an issue with the original product itself.

You are not able to force developers to make products/add-ons compatible with others. Because this will just not work out.


Yes it is and YOU as a developer need to see and look those kind of issues! blocs isn’t only made to use swiper!

Guy before writing silly comments at least have a research on the forum to see what its the issue here!

Here your answer:

He created a new product instead of fixing the issue of the previews version! So what happen to those who have been waiting for months for the update?

You just do not get it…so will leave this right there. There is no point in going back and forth with someone that refuses to see things from different perspective.

Exactly your issue here.

Some people need to grow up.



I am only able to guarantee a compatibility with the core product Blocs itself. I am not able to guarantee a compatibility with other add-ons form other developers. I can only do my best trying to make them compatible.

If you want to enforce such a statement of guarantee that all add-ons will work now and in future together, then Blocs is not the right platform to develop for.


Some people need to grow up.

Okay with all due respect. Please do not insult me over this issue.

You more than anyone knows this issue in stores like google app or App Store can get our product out the store!

It is okay to have different opinions but to turn this into an insult?
That makes it straight up disrespectful. I will not accept that.
As a blocs user and part of this community, it is clear to me where my money will be appreciated, valued and supported. :+1:

@Jannis let me explain you the issue! There are people who owns swiper and card designer complaining for half a year that the brics don’t play good together. If you own Card Designer you probably knows @Whittfield does regular updates to the bric. @Lucas said he knew what was the issue and that he was going to fix it! Honestly it’s something so easy as adding a little code or at least that what I have to do to make them both work together, so its possible.

So for me the problem here is that instead of fixing the known problem he when for a new version, a version that by the way works good with card designer.

So Imagine if @Norm will charge us money each time he fix a bug on blocs and release an update???

Im sorry but as a developer its your job to find and fix the bugs of your app!

Can anyone honesty tell me how many times have they got a notification of an update for a bric made by Lucas? Never!!

@Stewie_Griffin @Jannis @kwakukwaku @MDS @hendon52 @Lucas

Greetings together! I’ve been following this thread with great interest so far, but guys, let’s talk without insults and accusations.

I can understand both sides to some degree, - and of course: you can’t demand additional functionality and features to be a free upgrade. Nevertheless, I think @Stewie_Griffin got at least some point in following: this very bug was acknowledged long ago and it turns out, that the solution is fairly simple. Even in the new version getting Swiper to work properly with Card Designer is to move .js library to the bottom of project assets in Blocs app.

So why not fixing the bug in both versions and promote the new functionality afterwards? A bug fix should not be a convincing factor to upgrade, imho.

Experience shows, that it is mainly great support and not even features what keeps customers happy and convinces them to stay. What would Blocs app be without its community?

Let’s not forget that, guys, and be respectful to each other, even when constructively criticising something…