With Blocs 6, we have an abundance of new possibilities to create incredibly sophisticated dynamic layouts with features like Custom Interactions, CSS transforms, and more, but I believe some users might still underestimate the utility of Tabbed Content Bric. I’ve created a video about it before, but I think with all drama around Tab Anything Pro bric, it’s a good moment to revisit the topic with the introduction of Blocs 6.
Classes showed in the video:
.nav-tabs .nav-link
.nav-tabs .nav-link.active
You can also easily turn the tabs into a dropdown on smaller breakpoints like on Rich’s site. This is with Blocs 5 no problem, which will be a better mobile experience. I mocked up a quick example.
But this is just a proof of concept. Nice tutorial Eldar.
I had to pay for other things over Black Friday, such as my Pinegrow license etc. Having been out of action most of the year with surgeries etc, I had to be more careful what I spent and had other priorities.
Having a bunch of stacked tabs above your content isn’t very user friendly for mobile users who will have to scroll to see the selected content. Which is why Tab Anything does it that way, I replicated it with a tabbed bric and a drop-down. Solutions have to be practical right? Apparently there are many ways to do this in 6. I guess we will wait for the demo of that. Although my method made in 5 will work in 6 also.