Yes, what I have also been told with bootstrap constraints…
Btw impossible to invite to header of page logically with top list menu, or having to “cheat” with a duplicate top page link in submenu, not really great…
One link (href) is standard. Now multiple interactions are possible. This is not a bootstrap limitation. Eg NavPlus has a working option that allows both. Just not released so it’s very possible.
You do have to think through how accessibility works here though. This was the solution I adopted from the Apple website. When navigating by assistive devices, chevrons appear that allow the user to select the top menu link or activate the drop-down menu. It works pretty cool.
MAJ multi-selection
As always without knowing how things go in programation, from user pov, then with maybe a vain reflexion…
Thought : supposing multi-selection for some action as changing margin or padding, or assignating a style, etc, is impossible with the app “core” as it is,
Wouldn’t it be possible to add MAJ+ multi-selections for some basic “universal” actions as right-click menu (deleting layers, hiding, lock export, changing colors…) ?
Would be very usefull and click saver.
Right-click and “BLOC IT !”
Thought, a need coming spontaneously many times
- You select several brics in viewport or layers left-frame
- Right-click (on one of them) > “Bloc it” or “Bric it”
- All selected brics are “grouped” in new Bric (div)
As it exists already, without having to :
- create new bric
- searching and click and drag each brics in it
Big click saver
If MAJ+multiselection is impossible, even with a single Bric or bloc it’d be click saver
Palette import
Don’t know if this is wanted or a missfit, btw a small wish : by importing a palette, it is added ; a replacement would be good (especially with complex palette, also for those who import/export a lot, avoiding having to delete each time…).
Ed : ottom half added, to delete it : 3 clicks x 15 colors = 45 useless clicks
Direct copy/paste
Tiny but clicksaver : the possibility to directly copy > click on another color > paste (rather than having to open the “popup”
Also, #colors are already selectable
Selected #57AEF3 ; also usfull with other needs 'getting immediatly the #color for other things… many clicks in total in fact.
Responsive and “by default”
Something I can’t understand (maybe I do wrong way…) because :
- I loosed so much time because of this,
- as it is complicating with tremendous clicks avoidable,
- as it adds confusion and time lost when we forget it, as eg days later we have to search why a weired padding there or margin there, clicking and comparing each responsive mode…
- as at least it is something specific (no to say “hidden”) to be known for beginners as non hard-users of
It is that we must go on XS canvas to put a universal (in all responsive size) parameter, and each time for each parameter (+4 clicks for each! modification = a LOT, as something to keep in mind…).
Simply, parameters done in LG are universal until (except) changes are made in others. Thus LG is the default universal base (We all work on LG by default + most of our margin/padding are “universal”).
Or alternativelly, as it has sens visually, already tackled earlier : a check box “All”(?), and when selected, all modifications done are in all responsive mode.
- when desactivated, when changing mode (SM to MD), it’d be exactly as it is yet
- when activating never mind thge mode, the modification done is effective for all ; desactivate it, then the modification in the present mode is for the present mode
- Or more “powerful” (including styles modification and not only padding/margin) :
Personnaly the 1. would be enough to bring be me infinite happiness
Background’s Parallaxe’s image Speed
Would be great to have a value for the speed of “slide” with scroll (if possible I’m taker ).
I would also like direction of Parallax too, its becoming really popular and I have had it requested on a very basic website which I tried and tried on Blocs, but had to resort to doing something else for them which they were happy with in the end.
Yes there are stunning creative things to do with parallax ; doing those things without coding would be fantastic.
@ developers : a bric “Parallaxe Fx” for sale could be good idea, with more possibilities than the only vertical Scroll animation. (Personnaly I’d be client)
In fact with my basic need it can be possible combining Scroll animation and Z-things, but pffff time and lost standard’s default’s optimised clean structure…
A simple speed value for bg Parallax would be great.
“Exclude from importation” assignable
Maybe because it isn’t in top menu, impossible to assign a shortcut to “Exclude from exportation”
Would be usefull and click saver with some project using lots of ON/OFF layers…
Ed. And “Not Exclude…” off course.
Random CodeWidget | Random Image | Random Audio
Surely for very few designers, probably very few to do (with stuff already done combining Random text bric and Code Widget bric), for random splash header using outside things (eg 3D spline, different 3d mesh/animation…)
Same with images
Same with audio player
Or a Random bric combining all those differents possibilities ?
Gif-a or Gif-a like
A bric,
As for existing slider you upload 1-2-3-4-5 img (1 img by slide),
It compiles (.gif or exact same as slider in « image » format as the two other brics images (rounded and square),
And that’s it, you got something as gif-a visually.
It’d be cool, quick and easy, and time saver for user using outside solution for same result (especially for beginners - they won’t have to search and search how-to).
Capitalising slider already existing with just some few modifications (size…) ?
Ed. With check-box « Random », as for big slider
Double click - Lunch Palette colors
Not important but click saver and maybe less to do…
Maybe I’m not alone with this case, so many times I am in this situation with this(!) palette colors :
And to get the color to change it, we have to launch the other main palette colors > go to the color > and changin it.
It’d be cool to have the possibility to change it directly int thi palette color, or alternatively maybe less to do and usefull with this case : by double-clicking on a color (purple here), it opens the main palette color (this would be already fine, especially for non ghard users using shortcuts), and better, with the same color selected by default “ready” to be changed.
Widget code - Ok with Bootsrtrap animations
“If I wish I can flyyyy…”
Didn’t test with something else than Splines code, but Widget code bric as all of their parent don’t “integrate” the code widget (spline ?) in animation.
Regret beause impossible to have as eg nice trigged view fade in with 3d mesh etc.
If possible with bootsrap animations…
Ed. Spline works fin up, and weired pre-load spline bottom before the animation (but sometimes ok O___0)
Interactive Gallery
Saw this ( Greenkub Photos : Plus de 2500 studios installés en Europe ), it’d be cool.
Maybe already done caroussel code inside also already done Gallery ?
Page pref / Password protection
Something that can be usefull sometimes, there are several solutions on the forum but .php or file top be added etc, complicated for a very basic need, as feat wish/sugg :
Once clicked, just a password field to be created (+ 1 verification for keyboard eventual taping fault), an you can communicate the url & pass thats it.
Need a protection right now, impossible, this would be cool and very usefull (choosing visitors, projects, confidential letters, etc. just with a page Passw.).