Blocs v4 - wish list

Blocs 3.4 beta build 8 (tomorrow) will include these new options on a right click :muscle:



How about a built in option to generate colour palettes at some stage?


Yeah and export/store them too!


Hard to pick just three but I’ll try anyway.

  1. Improved Class Editor: allow for the window to scale in size such that adjusting dimensions, selecting typefaces etc. produces less errors as well as making all changes default to “normal” and not the last selected value which often “:hover” which get a bit maddening at times.

  2. Scalable left and right control portions of the main interface. What I mean here is the ability to make those portions of the interface larger or smaller since often Bloc names and Classes are often difficult to read and work with when their labels become long.

  3. Integrate some of the rendering features of Solis into Blocs. Designing in Blocs for mobile without Solis is harder than I’d like it to be. Set breakpoints are fine, but I’d appreciate a wider variety and landscape views as well.

Thanks for all you do for Blocs!

Michael / blocman94


I‘m happy with blocs as it is. Still glad that I found this cool tool. Thanks Norm.


Same here!

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Regarding point 2. Blocs 3.4 lets you resize the left side already so we are already half way there :+1:

Sometimes it’s the small things. I often move form laptop to desktop and not being able to double click to expand the window can be a drag… literally :joy:


Hi Norm.
Thank you for the great product.

Wish list:

  1. Expanded typography control: Before / after paragraph spacing —Hanging indent –- Easier application of mixed font styles within paragraphs. ( Imagine creating a long CV, or bibliography with multiple hanging indents, italicised titles, and various para spacings …within one paragraph bloc);
  2. Greater gallery / carousel variations and control: e.g. I have seen bootstrap blocks with listed topic selections that re-order galley content to suit selection. (twas within Pinegrow bootstrap galleries);
  3. Colour palette list: a list view of colours within the project, with unique name and small swatch, + select & delete unused etc. (for the colour challenged among us).

excuse if I have been ignorant of any of the above existing already…thanks again for the clean application…and I am finding more ways of expanding and controlling builds with the ‘custom code’ facility.


Improved code editor. I love the simple aspect of Blocs. But a lot of my sites require custom coding. Maybe even support for 3rd party editors maybe an option? (I mainly use Sublime Text)


Awesome Norm! :metal:

yes, but the process of first selecting a swatch is troublesome if you inadvertently have something selected before you select a different swatch for editing.


These are great suggestions!

Item 1 “last selected value is hover” has really caused me stress. I almost always forget to select “normal” after editing …


Tell me all about it … :wink:

@Bootsie @gary @blocman94 so you guys want the class editor to automatically return to normal state when a new item is selected or a new class, or when the class editor is re-opened?


this is true, however its super efficient with regards to the application of colors.

Maybe in future the swatch Manager could use a edit more that can be enabled for general editing and house keeping.

You got it. :wink:


yes please. :kissing_heart:

Sorry about that. In 3.4 build 8 all of your window resizing troubles are over :sunglasses:


Hello @Norm,

me too, I am for this option, that every time you reopen the class editor, it is in normal mode and not e.g. hover. If I remember correctly @Eldar once also voted for this in an other thread.